How are Thoughts Even Real?

Where do our thoughts come from, and how are we able to create and use them to formulate our physical reality?

Maurice Zondag
7 min readJan 4, 2022
statue of the thinker
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

“Cogito ergo sum” — I think therefore I am. A principle introduced by the philosopher and mathematician René Descartes (1596–1650) is often misunderstood in the meaning of his thought pattern.

It is not so much that when you start actively thinking, you start to exist. The ‘ergo’, (the - therefore -) in his statement is not so much a conclusion. It’s an explication that ‘being’ has to exist in order to think.

To grasp the full meaning of his idea, we have to realize that we are not our thoughts.

You have your thoughts. They exist and you create new thoughts that follow up on a thought; patterns that can create beliefs, and combined with our perception, we can create a reality around them. We identify with them even so we then might conclude we are our thoughts. But that’s not really the case.

Let me elaborate on that.

Thoughts themselves are just a non-physical representation of neurological pathways in your brain. These pathways are translated into thoughts in our mind, just as light reflection gets translated into visual images in that same mind.

woman watching at the ocean standing behind a fence
Photo by Kace Rodriguez on Unsplash

For that, we need eyes to receive the reflection of light, so our brain can create that visual image of reality. Now we all understand that, because what we see we can experience and sometimes even touch, so combined with multiple senses we have agreed to call that reality.

But what make thoughts? What causes them to exist in the first place? And how can we make them a reality when only our thinking brain is showing them to us, without any other of our 5 senses? Are they therefore not real?

When we define reality as a representation of multi-sensory awareness, we also agreed that they are all external reality. Thoughts however are only internal realities. Just like dreams. And we call that in normal life ‘not real’.

But is it?

When light reflection is received by our known visual sense, the eyes, we receive nothing more than different light frequencies (that’s also how we can distinguish color). When sound waves are received by our audible sense (within a certain frequency our ears can process), we hear sound. So they’re all frequencies we can receive with our senses.

What if Michio Kaku, the Co-founder of the String Field theory, is right when he says that the universe is a symphony of vibration, meaning everything operates on a frequency? That would mean that everything in the universe is doing that: vibrating on a frequency.


Including what we perceive as external reality and internal reality.

Our receiving mechanism for thought

So somehow, we have a receiving mechanism in our body that receives a frequency of something, that we then translate into a thought. And that mechanism is so powerful, that it can create new thoughts, that then also must have a frequency.

So the question is then, where do these frequencies come from? The ones we translate into thoughts. We know the sun is a source for us to be able to see objects. Just as a light bulb is. We know that a musical instrument is capable of creating sound waves, just as we are able to do with our vocal cords.

This source, which transmits frequencies we receive as a thought, is the reason a lot of scientists have sleepless nights. Because we haven’t been able to whiteness that source with our known 5 senses, our external reality.

But we do know that thoughts are real because we whiteness our thoughts every day throughout the day.

Is the only way to witness this source, through our mechanism of thought?

Some people may call it inspiration, some may call it God, but let’s just stick with ‘the source’ for now.

Is this source a collective of frequencies we all tap out from? Or are there multiple sources? For every person 1 unique source?

I doubt that latter. Many occasions have occurred where different people came up with the same idea. And we all have the experience that when you think of someone, seconds or minutes later that person calls you.

Coincidence maybe, or maybe we’re connected to the same source so we receive the same frequency.

woman from the back playing a grand piano
Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Now, objects in the external reality send and receive the frequency they’re producing. A musical instrument sends an audio frequency, but since it’s in the same perimeter where it is sending it from, it also receives the audio frequency. A piano string starts vibrating when receiving the same frequency of a tone. When you hit an A-note on the piano, all other A octave strings start to vibrate too. And when you sing an A, the strings also start to vibrate. Because it’s their frequency and they’re close enough to receive that vibration.

Frequencies from the source

That said, wouldn’t it be likely to presume that ‘the source’ will also receive your ‘thought frequencies’?

So would it be then, that it can only send you the frequency of what you’re ‘tuned into’? Meaning, are you only able to receive a thought when you also have sent out thoughts on that same frequency? Just like we first have to open our eyes before we can receive the light frequency and see an object?

Using our law of physics, that would make sense. Action vs reaction. An A snare that starts sending the A tone when it has received that same frequency of sound.

If this is true, this means that our thoughts, create a frequency that the source can use to send us back on.

Thoughts into reality

And what do we do with thoughts? We can take them and transfer them into our external reality. Invent the light bulb. Paint a painting. Write a song. Have the inspiration to create something.

The story goes Michael Jackson once called his producer in the middle of the night because he had ‘received’ the inspiration for a new song. The producer, hardly awake, asked Michael if this couldn’t wait until the morning. “No!” Michael said, “If I don’t accept it, Prince will!”

Is that how the source can help you create your external reality?

Is that how this source, when you tune in on the right frequency, can let you create anything you can think of (and I mean that literally, what you can think of)?

And doesn’t that then also not mean that if you keep thinking about things you don’t want or are scared of, you keep adding it to your reality in some way, having the source responding to the frequencies of those thoughts?

Tony Robbins says: “Where focus goes, energy flows.” Our reality exists because of the actions we took, that came from the thoughts and feelings we’ve got.

A new sensory mechanism

Going back to Descartes, he described that since he is the one thinking his thoughts, he, therefore, had to exist. He had to be the one that creates them from this source and bring them to the physical reality.

So, when we take all that into account, we exist not because we have thoughts, but because we’re able to translate the thoughts and create a reality. Internal and external. Our physical body does that in this reality we experience with our conscious mind, from the input of frequencies and our sensory mechanisms.

Have we discovered a new sensory mechanism here? That mechanism that lets us translate frequencies into thoughts, and from there create it into reality?

Knowing that the function of our RAS (Reticular Activating System) is to recognize all that is in the focus of your thoughts (the frequencies that is), we could even say we experience that as attracting all that is in the frequency of the focus we have.

That is our physical existence. But me, the one experiencing the thinking, is not the same as the thinking itself, just as we are not the apple we see or the music we hear. That part, of what is often called the soul, the true ‘me’, is at least connected to the source, maybe even part of the source, to really be able to ‘be’. With and without reality.

The answer to everything

If we are able to accept this thought pattern, it would also be possible to believe that this sensing mechanism to the source, always has the answers (the response to our frequency) to the experiences we experience and always translate into thoughts.

Meaning: if you want to experience something else in your currently perceived internal and external reality, we should really be aware of the frequency we’re sending towards the source, in order to be able to receive the right thoughts and create the attraction we need in order to have what we want.

This is where it all boils down to in my belief. Connecting to the source will help you create the reality you want. Thoughts not only lead to your external actions (which will create a certain result), it also attracts that what you send out to the source. Independent of the type of thoughts you have (positive and negative ones).

The power of thought then has just become your lifeline. Your portal to your potential, and if you want, your new reality.

Next step?

How do you proceed from here? How do you manage the thoughts so you can create your new reality? I have a strategy for you that will set the outlines exactly for you, how to move forward. Would it be a un-real idea to schedule a strategy discovery call to explore your best strategy?



Maurice Zondag
Maurice Zondag

Written by Maurice Zondag

I help men create their desired life as a certified Life Success Coach and LoA Coach. I love sharing ideas on how you can improve your life. Follow me for more

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